It is clear that the little guy has to fend for himself.
And, those who believe they can depend upon
Washington DC and the politicians will be disappointed
when they learn that "entitlements" by definition means
"minimums" always dependent, always poor.
The best advice you will ever receive from this old pro is:
Create your own bail-out system and make it perpetual --
I am doing this for myself and my extended family members
and friends.
There are two paths you can take and both will get you to
personal financial freedom. One takes longer than the other.
Fast Track: Make $540 daily
One time fee of $260. Sponsor 2 $520.
Think about the power of sponsoring two people below you.
I sponsored two family members. Each of them sponsored two
additional friends.
WOW, I made my first $540. And I automatically recycled for my second
$540. Within 3 days each of them earned their first $540.
Click here:
Yes, you can get started small and build big and strong.
My second alternative has three starting levels; $30, $120 and
Go to:
Imagine, receiving only $49,000 your first 180 days. On your
anniversary, your payment is due. As EVERYONE who is on your
team and making money renews, You Make Another $49,000 with
NO ADDITIONAL SELLING OR EFFORT; it's a Life-Time Membership.
No Attrition, as this is a One Time Payment. You simply cannot lose.
In my opinion the economic crisis issue is TRUST not MONEY. Demonstrate
your TRUST by sponsoring people who will then pay it forward for others..
Fast Track:
Slower but open ended for acceleration:
Go to:
Like everything else in life it is simply a choice. If you have the
desire to create your own financial independence, either of
these two ways will work. Your risk exposure is extremely low!
Fast Track:
Slower but less expensive to get started.
Be persistent and win big.
To your prosperity forever,